Monday, December 15, 2008
The Two Biggest Reasons Why Most People Will Never Make a Full-Time Income Online
It all starts when some well-meaning (yet misdirected) person encourages a budding internet entrepreneur to "start in a niche they know alot about", or base their business around "something they're passionate about"...
As horrible as it may sound - they've unknowingly sent the hopeful entrepreneur down a path of false expectations, poor results and eventually - failure. In fact, the myth of "do what you love and the money will follow" has been responsible for more failure than likely any other influence - perhaps even more so than laziness or a lack of perseverance.
Because the simple truth of the matter is that the only way you're going to make real money on the net is if your business is based around two crucial things:
1) Large Demand
2) Buyers
In other words - you aren't going to get rich selling a $15 ebook about growing square watermelons - even though that might be a great passion of yours.
The demand just isn't there. Maybe there's a few searches a day on Google for the topic, and perhaps there's some interest in the online "gardening enthusiast" communities - but you'd be hard-pressed to make even a few hundred dollars a month from ebook sales.
Similarly, you also aren't going to have a particularly easy time getting rich by building websites about some seemingly "popular" topics like humor, jokes, funny pictures and so on. And while there are a few ways to "monetize" your site (with AdSense, CPA Offers, CPM Banners, etc.), it takes literally millions of website visitors to make even just a few thousand dollars in markets like that.
The demand is huge - but the visitor value is extremely low...
Instead, if you want to make it big online - pulling down an impressive six-figure income - you need to tap into markets with tons of demand, where the majority of the visitors are valuable.
You need to capture tons of traffic that wants to buy something. If you take this approach, you'd practically have to hijack your own order links (or affiliate links) not to make a sizeable income.
In fact - did you know that some affiliates make several thousand dollars daily just by promoting a single product in hot markets? (Just imagine what the merchant is making...)
In some markets there's actually so much demand that the vendors are quite literally selling over a thousand units - or more - per day. Digital products, with practically zero overhead/delivery cost.
But it all comes back to tapping into valuable demand. In most cases, it takes no extra effort or "skill" to market to a valuable market than it does to struggle along with something you're passionate about.
These two factors - demand and buying traffic - are what seperate the "wannabe" marketers from the millionaires. Because there's no real secret - you just need to sell what thousands of people are already buying.
The ball is now officially in your court. Are you tapping into markets with massive, valuable demand?
Or are you struggling to simply make a few dollars occasionally with a business that's based on your own passionate interests?
Chris Rempel, author of "Confessions of a Lazy Super-Affiliate", reveals 5 of his most effective traffic strategies and niche-targeting tactics in full detail
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Signup for a FREE PayPal account
Best of all, it's completely FREE to sign up!
To sign up or learn more, click here:
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Active Income Vs. Passive Income - Review of WordPress AdSense System
"Active income" is the amount of money you make while you're actively blogging, writing, leaving comments, submitting articles and marketing your blog. "Passive income" on the other hand is residual in nature, and it's how much money you can earn if you suddenly stopped doing all of the things above. Understanding the benefits of both can help you decide which ones to focus on.
Active income is easy for anyone - while you're working hard you earn what you deserve. That's great, but what happens when you stop? It's a marketer's greatest fear, because 95% of people stop making any form of online income the moment they cut down on writing and blogging. If something were to happen to you and active blogging becomes impossible altogether, your online well literally dries up quicker than you can imagine.
That's why I learned to focus on building "passive income" as well. Unlike active income, this type of income generally takes a longer time to show results, and even when it does the cash usually comes in small "streams". Most people would scoff at it and dismiss it as mere "pocket money". I did the same thing, but when I look back at my income for the last year, my passive income streams have been growing steadily and consistently, with almost no extra effort on my part.
If I stop everything I am doing right now and literally disappear from the face of the earth, my little passive income streams will continue to grow. Now, what if I could add more streams of passive income to this, and build it to the point where it becomes a raging river of cash, still running virtually on auto-pilot?
That got me thinking hard. Active income is absolutely necessary to pay the bills, but passive income is vital for building wealth. Read that again: BUILDING WEALTH.
Building wealth requires a completely different mindset and strategy. If you're not consciously building wealth, then you're no better off than you would be working a 9-5 job. Your income is to tied up to the work you do NOW, and the amount of money you make is directly related to the amount of time you sacrifice.
I found a great guide by Gobala Krishnan, a.k.a the Profit Blogger, that talks about auto-pilot income and building streams of online wealth:
His guide talks about using WordPress to build niche, auto-pilot sites and monetizing them with Google AdSense. I strongly recommend you take a look at it, as I personally found it to be one of the most revealing and practical systems to making money from your blog:
Google AdSense is not something new. It's been hyped about before, but I find that Gobala has taken the most practical and logical approach to making it work. A lot of people still make a five-figure income from Google AdSense, and can you imagine what kind of life it would be when you are that level?
You can practically quit everything, go on vacation for a year, and your income will just keep growing. That's what I've been trying to say here - the allure and power of "passive income". It's possible.
Affiliate Marketing With Blogs
However, there are a few things you need to know when trying to promote affiliate products from your blog. These things are important to make sure you don't burn a hole right through your pocket.
(1) Which Products Do You Promote?
You'll notice that almost every other product has an affiliate program that you can join (mostly for free), and start promoting online from your blog. Depending on the type of product, your commissions can range from 2% to 8% (physical goods) or even up to 75% for digital goods. There are tons of products to choose from, but that doesn't mean that you should go out and promote all the products you can get your hands on!
Not all products are created equal - some are better that others. Not all affiliate opportunities are created equal either. Just because a product is great, it doesn't mean that it will sell. The "conversion rate" of a product depends entirely on a few things out of your control, for example the sales copy, the overall sales process and the available market for the product.
However, learning how to recognize good products to promote is something totally in your control. When you learn to recognize a few vital clues, you'll be able to tell if an affiliate product will sell from your blog, or if it will just waste precious real estate on your pages. One good guide that teaches you how to find great affiliate products is "Super Affiliate Blogger" by Gobala Krishnan:(2) Getting Traffic to Your Blog
Content is important, but traffic is even more important. Without enough traffic to be making a few affiliate sales a month, you'll eventually give up on blogging altogether. Great content on the other hand, gets better appreciation when you learn how to get traffic to your blog.
While the usual methods work, there are a few things you can do to get more traffic. For starters, yuo can easily get cheap banner advertising on other related blogs who have tons of traffic to give you. By creating a good banner and ensuring good placement, you can start getting fresh new traffic daily.
Another good but more sophisticated way of getting traffic is using PPC or Pay Per Click advertising. Google AdWords is probably the most popular PPC advertising service, but there are other alternatives as well. However, remember that when you're paying for every click to your website, you'll want maximize your returns by creating a "landing page" on your blog. The concept of landing pages and how to do it is also explained in Super Affiliate Blogger:
(3) Tracking Your Affiliate Links
If you're just promoting a handful of affiliate links on a handful of pages, you can easily keep track of what's going on. However if you start to venture further and try to put your affiliate links on many pages and on different blogs, you're looking at a lot of work when it comes to managing and tracking those links.
Any self-respecting affiliate marketer would invest in some sort of link cloaking / tracking software that at the click of a button, will give you the "big picture" of what's happening with your affiliate marketing campaign. How else can you know which affiliate links are being clicked on, and which ones aren't seeing any action. How else can you determine which products aren't selling well, and which ones are working great for your particular blog?
Although there are many affiliate tracking tools, this one is perhaps the most suited to bloggers, especially if you're using WordPress:
Affiliate marketing is simple, and fun. But to break the barriers and start making a five-figure monthly income from your blog, you'll need to think and act like a "Super Affiliate" These guys aren't any smarter than you or me; they just do the right things at the right time. For more information on affiliate marketing with blogs, I recommend you take a look at Super Affiliate Blogger by Gobala Krishnan:
Get Paid to Write Blog Content
So how does paid blogging work? How can you get paid from Fortune 500 companies and even small businesses to write about their product, service or event?
When the blogosphere exploded in 2006/07, thousands of blogs were being created every single day, with overworked individuals hoping to cash in on the trend and be a "work-at-home blogger". The hype was high, but the problem was that most bloggers wanted to get paid immediately.
The blogosphere responded to these needs, with companies like leading the paid-to-blog industry. Early on, blogging for the purposes of making money received a lot of criticism from big-name bloggers, but eventually people started accepting paid blogging as a viable, honest way to make a living online.
You can see this page for more information on how you too can get paid to blog:
Down the road, more paid blogging companies sprung up, which includes and also - taking the stand of offering "honest" and "unbiased" reviews. At the moment there are no fewer than 20 paid blogging companies you can sign-up with and make money from.
When you sign-up for a company, you're required to submit your blog details, so make sure you have a blog up and running with at least 30 days worth of acceptable content. After you've submitted your details, your blog will be reviewed and approved.
Then, you can search the company's marketplace for "opportunities", which are basically listings create by businesses who want you to blog about their product or service. When you find a suitable opportunity, you can use the information provided (take note of the requirements too) and blog about it. When you're done, report back to the listing and you get paid whatever amount of money the advertiser has promised.
Now of course, the companies that offer these paid blogging services also take their cut, which is anywhere from 30-50%. The rest is paid to you after you reach a certain payout limit.
So how much can you expect to make from paid blogging?
Typically, you can earn a few hundred dollars a month by writing 1-2 blog posts a day. Since these blog posts aren't too long and all the information is already provided, it's pretty easy to do that. Once your blog picks up more traffic, it gets re-evaluated and you can start charging more for writing the exact same content.
The leaders in the paid blogging industry make a few thousands dollars a month, enough to make a comfortable full-time income on the Internet. Plus, they are free to work whenever they want, wherever they want. This is why paid blogging is so appealing - with not much skills or technical knowledge, any ordinary person can make money from blogs right from the start.
If you're interested to discover the secrets to paid blogging, I strongly recommend you check out Blog Paycheck by Gobala Krishnan: